Monday, April 7, 2008

Kuwait Finance House sponsors High Diploma in Islamic Finance in Kuwait University

Kuwait Finance House (KFH) announced sponsoring the High Diploma in Islamic banking, in collaboration with High Studies College in Kuwait University.

This program will be completed over a 3-year course in collaboration between Administrative Studies and Shariah Colleges.

The course aims to develop basic skills of employees who work in the Islamic financial services sector.

The Assistant General Manager for Supporting Services Sector Abdul Aziz Al-Jaber announced in a press release after signing the sponsorship agreement, that sponsoring this prestigious degree reflects the leading role of KFH and its belief in the importance of studies, development of skills and fine tuning experiences of its employees in the Islamic Financial Services Sector.

This diploma develops the basic resources of the employees in this sector, in addition to professionally preparing the employees to hold their posts. This goes hand in hand with the rapid development and growth in the Islamic finance industry.

On his side, the Administrative Studies College Dean, Dr. Rashed Al-Ajmy, stated that the aim of the course is to prepare Kuwaiti employees and arm them with skills that enable them to work efficiently in the field of Islamic financing and leading the various kinds of businesses, whether in the domestic market or the regional.

He added that the critical role that the university plays in this field reveals its awareness of what the society needs, the changes occurring in it, and the university's keenness on playing a role to solve issues related to individuals, corporate, economic and social institutions. One of the roles of the university is to provide the society with well-trained and well-educated employees who are capable of working competently in the aggressive business field.

Al-Jaber declared KFH's hope that this specialized course will be able to prepare highly trained, professional employees, who can compensate for the lack of specialized employees in this field, whether domestically or in the Gulf area.

Moreover, he said that KFH stresses the importance of this issue in the present state of Islamic financial institutions, which are blooming and developing, and at the same time, there is a great demand on Islamic financial services and products. The global acceptance of these Shariah compliant services and products show the bright future that awaits them in the coming period.

The course will be evaluated continuously by doing research studies among university staff, graduates, and the Islamic financial institutions themselves, to show the advantages and disadvantages from an academic perspective, and implementing solutions to overcome any remarks mentioned by graduates, financial institutions, and the university. Moreover, the course will be globally 'Academically Approved' by AACSB in the United States, since it is considered one of the programs offered by the Administrative Studies. College

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