than 1,200 industry leaders will gather at WIBC 2010. Take advantage of the special Group Delegate packages to send your executive team to participate in the 17th Annual World Islamic Banking Conference...DOWNLOAD BROCHURE
Watch the video of the last World Islamic Banking Conference 2009. Gulf Hotel Kingdom of Bahrain, December 6,7 & 9, 2009.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The World Islamic Banking Conference(17th Annual WIBC)Latest Brochure Now Available
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Labels:Islamicfinance,Sharia compliants 17th Annual WIBC
Monday, October 4, 2010
Global Islamic Finance Forum (GIFF). Themed “Islamic Finance: Opportunities for Tomorrow”,
GIFF2010:Bank Negara Malaysia is pleased to host the second Global Islamic Finance Forum (GIFF). Themed “Islamic Finance: Opportunities for Tomorrow”, GIFF 2010 will be held in Kuala Lumpur from 25th to 28th October 2010. GIFF 2010 is a key international event in the calendar of Islamic finance following the success of the inaugural GIFF in March here for the brochure:
Venue of the Forum: Mandirin Oriental Kuala Lumpur
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Monday, October 04, 2010
Labels:Islamicfinance,Sharia compliants GIFF 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Corporate Governance in Institutions Offering Islamic Financial Services
WorldBank:Abstract: "This paper reviews Institutions Offering Islamic Financial Services (IIFS) corporate governance (CG) challenges and suggests options to address them. It first points out the importance of CG for IIFS, where it would require a distinct treatment from convention CG and highlights three cases of distress of IIFS.
It then dwells on prevailing CG arrangements addressing IIFS’ needs to ensure the consistency of their operations with Islamic finance principles and the protection of the financial interests of a stakeholders’ category, namely depositors holding unrestricted investment accounts...continue
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Labels:Islamicfinance,Sharia compliants corporate governance
Sunday, September 26, 2010
ICM Quarterly Bulletin - June 2010
SC Malaysia:The latest issue of the Malaysian ICM quarterly bulletin is here, published by the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC). Among the featured content you will find an interesting article on the Social Dimension of Islamic Finance as well as a piece on Sukuk best practices. This and previous issues of the bulletin are available on their online archive here...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Labels:Islamicfinance,Sharia compliants SCMalaysia
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Islamic finance news needs to catch up
GULFNEWS:News is an important asset for capital markets and the finance industry, and in Islamic finance it is the sunlight needed to "disinfect" accusations of opaqueness.
But today's Islamic finance "news" is often a mix of press releases, articles which repeatedly interview the same subjects, and old information.
It also shows little understanding of the economic environment in which Islamic finance news operates. Islamic finance blogs and chat rooms do a good job of reporting the news, but at times turn into personal attacks which result in electronic bullying...continue
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Labels:Islamicfinance,Sharia compliants Islamic Finance news